Almost there! ... and a lesson from my friend Tino you won't want to miss!

Tino and his candy Someone once shared with me the famous quote attributed to St. Augustine who said, "Pray as though everything depended on God.Work as though everything depended on you." While I carry on with my VOHA responsibilities, I've also spent alot of time in the last few months raising support - following Augustine's advice. In prayer, I've asked God to lead me. He has put names in my heart, many of them yours, to approach about becoming a partner with me in my mission and the good work of Villages of Hope Africa. I've also worked hard, spending many hours preparing and sharing the vision with individuals, businesses and churches. Augustine was right. The combination works. God is faithful and the work is paying off. I'm excited to report that, as of today, I'm at almost 80% of my goal! Almost there! Yeah! My goal is to reach 100% of my funding by December so I can spend my time in the new year solely focused on my work with Villages of...