Something to Celebrate


Last week, we had something exciting to celebrate – the VOH Bulale Primary School Grand Opening!

Over 200 children now attend the school, from Preschool to Grade 7.

It was such a special occasion! Of course there was the official ribbon cutting and lots of speeches, All were all inspiring and reminded us of the importance of having a school like the one in VOH Bulale:

The Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Community Development talked about how the children were roaming the streets of Bulale and had no way to go to school, and thanked VOH Bulale for coming to their community.

A contributing Donor shared how, as a child, he made a promise to himself and to God that if he could ever help the kids of Africa he would and how supporting the construction of the VOH Bulale Primary school was his opportunity to fulfill that promise.

The VOHA Executive Director, Sergio, spoke directly to the children. He asked, “Why are we doing this?” and reminded them we are doing this “because we believe you matter - to God, your families and your community. We also believe you have a right to a future and one filled with hope. And the right to know God, a God filled with love, mercy and grace, and that this God knows each of you by name.” He went on to encourage the children to “Take God’s love wherever you go.” He reminded the teachers “you have a big responsibility. Your job is more than educating the children or giving the food. Your job is to show the children the way of love. They decide by watching us what God is like. They can’t see God, but they see us and can see Him through us.”

Julius, Director for VOH Tanzania, challenged us to “Think beyond today”. He talked about how he, Jade and father-in-law, had visited the empty field and dreamed what it would be like to have a school there for the children. He testified, “VOH Bulale is an example of what can happen when we step out on faith." And then he encouraged, “Let us not think we have arrived but use this day to expand our reach and give hope to even more children in need." He ended with an admonishment from Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Parents thanked VOH for the education and also spiritual teaching to their children. Students testified how without VOH they would not have had the opportunity to go to school, and how thankful they are for VOH Bulale.

The best part of all was the children! There was singing, dancing, reciting Bible verses, speeches, skits and so much more! 

All in all, it was a fantastic day, celebrating how stepping out in faith can turn into something great and how children’s lives will be forever changed when we do!


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