My Tanzania work permit was rejected. What do I do now?

New Years Eve  morning... instead of getting ready for a hot New Years Eve date (ok, stop laughing), I got an email from the person in Tanzania who has been working on my work permit that read:

"I really wish I had better news to report, but I did want to keep my promise to let you know as soon as we heard anything. You will see the attached document from the Labour website - rejected permits. This came out yesterday.  Unfortunately your name appears on page two. It seems our trying to follow up and write to the commissioner didn't make a difference. I'm so sorry, what a journey this has been - and one which we didn't expect. 

Things are changing quickly in Tanzania these days when it comes to anything with the government, but especially anything to do with foreigners in the country. They are becoming increasingly strict and rules seem to be changing every week. We did our best to keep up and submit everything they asked for, but apparently they do not believe you should be based in Mwanza. There is an appeal process, but we have to be honest and say we don't think there would be much point to that ….

We know a lot of families that are being affected right now by all these changes. People who have been here for 5, 10, 15 years who are now having to come up with plan B's as work permits are being rejected left, right and centre and people are being given one final year with notice that they won't be granted any more work permits. It's sad but the government is trying to do what it thinks is best for the country.  

In one sense it's a good thing to just finally have an answer so you can make some decisions  as to what will be the best next steps. … Again, we're so sorry to have to be the bearers of bad news right before the new year, but we wanted to tell you right away. … We wish it would have turned out differently! But God knows best so we leave these things to Him."

Hmm. Now what? What to do when things don't turn out as planned?

Maybe the answer is found in a challenge I received from an 85 yr old senior over the holidays. She said she often asks God for one word for the year and challenged me to consider what one word God would want me to focus on in 2020. As she spoke, one came immediately to my mind: trust. (Of course, that was before I received the email above!)

I like to be in control and have everything perfectly planned out (ask my friends who used to come to my place for a Christmas get together about the little pieces of paper laid out on platters with descriptions of what food item should go on each one). But, this past year, especially since going to Africa, there's been so much ambiguity, change and unknowns. It’s impossible to have a carefully laid out plan. And when I tried, it didn’t work out anyway... like getting a work permit for Tanzania.

So I shouldn’t be surprized that God put the word "trust" on my heart when given the challenge. I'm sure He wants me to learn to trust Him more this year - to truly get that He's my dad, I'm His daughter, that He loves me so much and I can always count on Him - even if it means going through a hardship or sometimes being told something I don’t want to hear, but need to.  (Reminds me of my earthly dad who used to say, “I tell you for your own good and because I love you. If I don’t tell you, who will?”) Sometimes God has to say that to me too!

I'm going into 2020 reflecting on trust and, through His help, will try to live it out instead of trying to figure it out myself. And I will nurture a deep peace that comes from knowing He will look after me like a dad does his daughter.  

I was reviewing an old journal the other day and a few reflections popped out at me. Funny enough - they both related to trust. First, the story of Mary and her cousin Elizabeth being told they are pregnant. Both got a totally unexpected surprise by God and things were certainly beyond their control. An extreme lesson on trust. Second, the story in Luke 8:51 where Jesus told Jairus (who had just received news that his daughter had died), “trust me and everything will be alright”. Though the crowd mocked, when told she was asleep, sure enough, she "woke" up.

In both these stories, in the midst of the unknown, the unexpected and even disappointment and crisis, they believed, they obeyed, they trusted. And, guess what? God proved He is worthy to be trusted and things turned out way better than they could have ever imagined or ever done on their own (big surprize eh?!) I want to be like them.

Where will I live, now that I've been rejected from Tanzania? I'm going to Zimbabwe this weekend with a 30 day visa. We pray and trust it will be able to be extended, so I can stay there a few months, and then maybe in May I will go to Tanzania on a 3 month business visa. My leader and I have lost track of what Plan this is now,
C,D,E? We're not sure. But we trust.

I'm going to try to take it day by day, week by week, month by month. It won't be easy.  And though I still have no clue of what He has in store for me long term,  trust will be my word for 2020. I'll do my best to go with the flow, trust and, know it will be ok. Better than ok, it will be great. 

Thanks for staying with me on the journey. Pray for me too! I fully expect He will give me many opportunities to trust Him and watch Him prove faithful. Can’t wait to see what they all are!

I encourage you to take on the challenge that the lady at the nursing home gave me. What’s your word for 2020? 

Let me know.

Trusting in Him,


  1. Very frustrating. African Governments are well.. lets go with complicated. Having dealt with them most of my life, one does not fully understand what goes on and frankly, i'm not sure they know sometimes.

    Peace. Hey if you are in Zim i might be going to south Africa.. that's a close connection. Fingers Crossed.

    1. That would be great! Keep me posted of when and where. Would be so nice to have a visitor!

    2. Thank you so much for sharing, Jerem 29:11
      God knows what plans He has for you. Thank you for trusting Him....Those who trust in Him shall never be disappointed! Praying for you!

  2. What an exciting and thrilling adventure you are on with God! We rejoice in the work He has started and will complete in you.

  3. Sorry to hear about this Jeanette - we had a similar experience as you know during our time in Zimbabwe. It was frustrating and challenging, but as you've shared, it pushed us to trust God in an entirely different way. Even when things didn't work out as we want and expected, he continued to walk with us throughout the journey and that's the one thing I know we can be sure of for you in 2020. Will be thinking and praying for you and blessings with what comes!



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