Chickens, Classrooms and so much more!


What do chickens and classrooms have in common? 

Both are special initiatives, that go beyond the day-to-day programs of VOH Africa, to benefit the children. Every day the children go to school, get a nutritious meal, learn about God and more, but there are often many projects and local initiatives happening as well. All of these contribute to the lives of the children and centres.  Thought I'd share a bit about these with you this month.

Local Initiatives

Local initiatives are special programs to help raise local income which help supplement funds from child sponsorships, grants or other international support.  Most of the centers have a few ongoing local initiatives. I don't have time to talk about them all, so here's just one example: VOH Mongu, Zambia, with 3 booming initiatives, that are typical in many of of VOH Centres:

1. Growing Vegetables
Most of the centres grow vegetables. It's great for teaching the children, gives some healthy vegetables for the mamas and children in the children's homes, and can be sold in the local markets! Mongu is no exception.

2. Fish Farms - The VOH Mongu centre has a thriving fish farm that breeds and harvests fish to be sold locally. Over 1200 fish are swimming in the 2 ponds at the moment! They aren't the only ones. Chongwe has over 2000 fish. Kitwe and Malawi have fish farms too.

3. Chickens, lots of chickens - Mongu often has over 1,000 chickens being raised at any given time. Once they are fattened up, they are sold to local restaurants and families - anywhere between 600 - 700 are sold every month! It was simply amazing to visit the chicken coop!! Check out this video I made while standing in the middle of it!

It's amazing how much a little creativity and effort can go a long way! 

Special Projects

Capital projects, such as expanding the school with more classrooms, or building a multi-purpose hall for school assembly and special events, is the second special initiatives that happen around the centers.

My role in these projects is to work with the Centre Directors to ensure each project has a through workplan, a project design and detailed budget or quotations, as well as ensure funds have been raised, before the shovel is put in the ground. A few of the projects that are in progress right now include: 
  • A library in Malawi
  • A new Classroom block in Zambia
  • A sports field in Burundi
  • A multipurpose hall in Tanzania 

VOH Tanzania Multipurpose Hall - BEFORE & AFTER (In final stages of completion) 
Whether it's chicken coops or classroom or more, it's never about the brick and mortar. These are just means to the end goal of serving vulnerable children, and having the funds and environment where that is able to happen.

It's all His work. My role in these projects, like ensuring local initiatives and special capital projects are done with excellence, is just one more way to serve Him. 

It's the same with you. Your ongoing partnership and caring for  my mission work with VOH, in prayer and/or giving, is one more part of serving Him and the children. 1 Corinthians 12:27 says, "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is part of it." 

THANKS for being part of it!



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