As I looked around ... my heart was touched - Feb 2025


                                                                          Chapel time at VOH Tanzania

Wednesdays are my favorite day of the week at VOH.

It's when the children gather for discipleship class. It always makes my day when I'm working at my desk and hear the children's singing fill the air. Even though they are gathering at the on-location chapel which is probably 300 feet or more away, their voices are loud, full of rhythm and full of joy.

Every month we have a joint chapel with VOH staff and the children. As I joined this month, first we sang action songs, where the children danced as they sang, "we talk with Him, we walk Him ..." I laughed as the children walked around bumping into each other as they sang. Then the pace slowed down. The children started to sing songs of praise and worship.  As I looked around the room, emotion swelled up inside me. My heart was touched.

All around the room, children had their eyes closed and hands raised worshipping Him. It was intimate. It was authentic. They weren't following a teacher's instruction, but were simply doing what was coming out of their heart. 

I was overwhelmed at the realization again, that VOH is touching the lives of children in deep, personal ways. Children are growing in their personal relationships with Him that will last a lifetime. 

This is why I serve at VOH Africa. The work I do every day, and the part you play through your prayers, encouragement and support, are all contributing to the lasting impact of the lives of children including, and perhaps most importantly, their spiritual well-being of knowing their Father loves them.

What a practical sign of the transformation. I left chapel and went back to work with a smile in my heart. 



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