
Thankful for you!

  As you enter into Thanksgiving weekend (wish I was there!), I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much of a blessing you are to me and how grateful I am to have you in my life. Your thoughts, prayers, encouragement and support mean so much as I continue on this mission with VOH Africa to impact the lives of children here in Tanzania and in the other African countries in which we serve. You're a blessing not just to the children but to me personally as well. It really makes a difference knowing you care and lift me up in prayer. As you enjoy some turkey and pumpkin pie this weekend, please know someone on the other side of the world is thankful for you today!   Jeanette

VOHA - A Reminder of how you are impacting the lives of children!

I can't believe it's 3 years ago this month that I moved to Tanzania! What an incredible journey. I'm so humbled that I found VOH Africa, and they found me.   The "honeymoon period" is long over, but I continue to be amazed by the work God is doing in the lives of thousands of children in need, through the work of VOHA. I trust my contribution is part of that.  I can't put into words all we are doing, so I thought, on this 3 year anniversary, I would do a video recap of the main ways we minister to the children and give a brief update of the past year. It's a little bit longer of a video, but I hope you will take the 4-5 minutes to watch it, pray for the children as you do. Thanks so much for you ongoing support, thoughts & prayers! Through them, you are part of it too! Enjoy!

Something to Celebrate

  Last week, we had something exciting to celebrate – the VOH Bulale Primary School Grand Opening! Over 200 children now attend the school, from Preschool to Grade 7. It was such a special occasion! Of course there was the official ribbon cutting and lots of speeches, All were all inspiring and reminded us of the importance of having a school like the one in VOH Bulale: The Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Community Development talked about how the children were roaming the streets of Bulale and had no way to go to school, and thanked VOH Bulale for coming to their community. A contributing Donor shared how, as a child, he made a promise to himself and to God that if he could ever help the kids of Africa he would and how supporting the construction of the VOH Bulale Primary school was his opportunity to fulfill that promise. The  VOHA Executive Director, Sergio , spoke directly to the children. He asked, “Why are we doing this?” and reminded them we are doing this “because we beli

Chickens, Classrooms and so much more!

  What do chickens and classrooms have in common?  Both are special initiatives, that go beyond the day-to-day programs of VOH Africa, to benefit the children. Every day the children go to school, get a nutritious meal, learn about God and more, but there are often many projects and local initiatives happening as well. All of these contribute to the lives of the children and centres.  Thought I'd share a bit about these with you this month. Local Initiatives Local initiatives are special programs to help raise local income which help supplement funds from child sponsorships, grants or other international support.  Most of the centers have a few ongoing local initiatives. I don't have time to talk about them all, so here's just one example: VOH Mongu, Zambia, with 3 booming initiatives, that are typical in many of of VOH Centres: 1. Growing Vegetables Most of the centres grow vegetables. It's great for teaching the children, gives some healthy vegetables for the mamas an

My Heart is Broken

  When I worked at World Vision, one of the things I loved is the famous saying the founder had. He was touched by a little orphan girl he met in Korea and coined the phrase: "Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God." In the last few months, my heart has been broken. I know I'm called to be in Tanzania, but, to be honest, some days it's not easy. The poverty and need that is always around is getting to me.  ... Like the little girl I met while walking on a Saturday morning. She was selling peanuts. I bought a handful, but paid for a bucket full. I saw her again the next Saturday. When I asked if the lady walking behind her was her mama she said no, but 2 days later she showed up at my house gate with her mom, telling the guard I had told her to come because I was going to help them. ... Like my friend at church who had saved for 6 months to pay in advance for his rent of a 8 x 10 room. He had nowhere to put his clothes, so I helped him get a c

A Time of Ministry, Service & Refreshment

  Last month, I had the best time ever!! A church team from Peel Pentecostal Church in Brampton, of 17 people, came to visit VOH Mwanza and Petra church. It was an amazing time of ministry, service and encouragement. What a wonderful group of special people, of all ages and all walks or life! They were all so different, but had one thing in common - they loved God and they wanted to serve! My role was the logistics person. It began when they arrived at 2 am, after a delayed flight. It was in the midst of a torrential rain storm, with so much luggage we had to hire another van just to carry it all and when we arrived at the compound there was no power. What a welcome to Africa! Ministry They came to minister - to the children at VOH and the people in Petra church. At VOH, they had a special play day with the children, a wonderful time of ministry with the house mamas and visited the classrooms - serving porridge, teaching songs, sharing Bible stories and God's love with the children

This is what I call a Vision: A World Without Orphans

  Have you ever had a daunting, impossible vision - but strive for it anyway? How's this for the name of an international Christian organization: "World without Orphans"? The vision is right in their name!   A couple of updates ago, I mentioned I was going to a global conference of Christian organizations and charities working with orphans and vulnerable children. It was put on by World Without Orphans, whose vision is " pursuing a world where every child is cared for in a safe and loving family, knows their Heavenly Father, and reaches their God-given potential. " It aligns perfectly with the vision of Villages of Hope Africa that " all children are loved and cared for. " (Not to mention, I loved their stage backdrop that illuminated HOPE!) In 2019, the best estimates show there are between 2 to 8 million children living in orphanages around the world, and more than 150 children who have lost one or both parents. It's a startling reality and chari